Good Morning everyone! I know it has been way to long since we have updated our blog. Forgive me! Spring Break is simply one of my favorite times of the year.
A friend of mine asked me a few Sunday's ago, when are you going to update your blog!!
Jay's Birthday is coming up this weekend. He will be eight years old. He is so funny as I am sure all eight year old boys are... but the best thing about Jay is that he is so easy to talk to, I love all of our
This picture was taken on our snowday last month. As most of you know the snow was just perfect.

Here is our sweet Zack. Like all babies he loves to be outside!
Cole will be three in 2 weeks! And Zack will be 8 months on the same day! Wow. I love having three little boys. Little Cole is sooo funny, so Sweet and then in a moment he can unleash on Jay!
We have been working on a lot of projects here at the house and staying very busy teaching Chemistry and Botany this semester. 10 more weeks until summer! I am so excited!