Thursday, August 13, 2009


I have thought of all of you this week as I get your posts, but today was really the first day I could respond...
Zack has has another big day, he has been off supplemental air most of the day and his oxygen stats have stayed between 98 and 100, which is wonderful!
He also had lumbar puncture today to rule out meningitis, so please that that culture comes back negative.
Mainly I want all of you to know that all of the notes of encouragement have blessed me and Brandon more than you can imagine. Everytime I leave the hospital and turn my phone on I have 5 or 6 new posts that are words of praise and prayer. Thank you so much. It is very hard to drive away from the hospital, but with these blessings coming on my trusty handheld it really helps me beyond words. God has blessed these doctors and nurses and sweet baby Zack! My love to all of you!
Sent from my BlackBerry Smartphone provided by Alltel


  1. we are still praying for you guys. just the sight of the words "we got to hold him" flooded me with emotions that i didn't see coming. i know first hand how special that is after waiting so long to get to do that. God is just so good!! beware...even a year later when he is running right behind his brothers, it will still be raw. but oh what a precious sight it will be. It sounds like he'll be home before you know it!! how truly wonderful.
    Micah and Becky Tucker

  2. So glad that he is doing so well! I can't imagine how hard this has been - but now he is doing so well. I know that you are thankful - and we are too! God is Good!

  3. Hey ya'll. I stumbled across your blog from Facebook. I had seen when Zack was born but had no idea he was still in the hospital. Just letting you know you are in our thoughts and prayers. Praying he is well and you all get to go home together soon!

  4. I just want you to know that you, Zack, his doctors and nurses are all in my prayers! I'm hoping he'll be home where he belongs soon.

  5. I am excited to hear of Baby Zack and have MUCH FAITH that he will be fine. You are in our prayers. Madeline turned 22 this week -just to make you feel old! Love to the Moores from The Looneys

  6. Praise the Lord. I talked with Brian on Thursday and he said he thought you had said that Zach was better.

    Love you and are praying for all of your family

    Dianne Mills

  7. So glad and thankful to hear that Z is doing so well. Prayers will continue!
